
This is where True Healthcare staff can Download or Upload their time sheet. To get paid on time, please follow the instructions written on the time sheet.

Upload Timesheet

Click or drag a file to this area to upload.

It’s important for staff to accurately and timely submit their time sheets in order to ensure they receive timely payment for their work.

It’s also helpful to provide clear instructions in the Comments section if there are any unusual circumstances. This can help streamline the process and reduce the risk of errors or delays.

Providing access to a secure online platform for uploading and downloading time sheets can also be convenient and efficient for both staff and the agency.


It’s important for staff to keep track of their hours worked and any overtime or additional compensation they may be entitled to. This can help ensure that they are accurately compensated for their time and efforts. Please make clear notes on the time sheet or here in the “Comments” section, when uploading the form.

Overall, effective time sheet management is crucial for both the agency and staff, and by following the instructions provided and staying organized, staff can ensure that they are paid accurately and on time.